It was K's birthday weekend as well as a bank holiday on the Monday so we made a long weekend of it, and had a really lovely time. Just got sent these shots last week from colleagues at the Fundación Tres Culturas who organised the whole thing (they financed the Spanish translation of my book). It was part of one of those flat-pack book fairs that take over a whole plaza, that seem to be so common in Spain and which I have often wandered around and bought books from, so it was weird to be part of one myself.

They want to arrange some more in the autumn so I'll be an old hand at this soon.
I am not keeping up with this blog these days - too much going on and I just feel tired a lot of the time (not helped by the horrible weather that seems to be gripping the UK this last month). One day soon I hope to finally sort our photos from the Central Asia trip (before I forget what they all are) and post them on Flickr, and post a few reports and stand-out anecdotes... We're seeing some of the friends we made on that trip this weekend so that will be an incentive, hopefully, to reminisce about it here.
We finally watched Avatar on DVD. What a terrible film! I think we missed about 75% of the point by not watching it on a massive IMAX-sized screen in 3D. It's an effects film which doesn't transfer to the small screen. Can't believe it's one of the highest grossing films of all time, but thank goodness it didn't get the Oscar (though from what I remember about The Hurt Locker I am not sure that deserved it either - but hey it's politics). Not a patch on The Shadow Line - finally a British show good enough in terms of its writing and acting to stand up to the best of the American and European dramas we have been getting here recently. And with the lovely Chiwetel Ejiofor to boot! Catch it while it's still on iPlayer!