This is a total rip off of the official game (there are no copyright laws in Syria), and let's hope Hasbro don't get their hands on it, though I don't really know how they could take action against some shopowners in the souk who would completely ignore them anyway.
We had a go at playing it this weekend! And a very sterling effort we made too I think. With a little help from Dante (our ginger cat).
We both had a dictionary (we were playing real Arabic words!) and my sister (who has a degree in this language) had to give me rather more assistance than normal in a Scrabble game, while our father played on my laptop and posted snarky comments about us on his Facebook page ("it would help if they knew more Arabic", which is true of course...).
Eventually we gave up. It was late, and it was taking far too long to work out what we could do with our letters - and there were still so many unused tiles in the box! But the scores were 164 to 157 (I won't say which was which!), which I think is very decent.
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