Written on a typewriter, from an Italian gentleman named Bruno Filipponio, this letter assured me that he "ardently desired" a copy of my book, and without explaining why he was not in a position to pay for it, requested me to send him a free copy, for which he offered me in exchange a book entitled Pironti: Osservazioni e chiose su vernacolo e dialetto (I can't find any trace of this book online, and it's not altogether clear what it is about - the Pironti apparently being a noble family from Ravello, with distinguished scions going back to the 13th century...). Though this book was "a treasured family heirloom", he was nevertheless willing to deprive himself of it in order to receive a copy of my book - would I agree to the exchange? It went on in yet more purple a fashion: "I know that I ask much and offer little, I know that I seem brash and boorish in my request....", and that if I was not able to "satisfy" him, could I reply quickly - even if briefly - "in order to avoid a long wait and a yet more bitter disappointment"...?
I put this aside for a while, having several hundred emails to deal with after what was effectively 6 weeks out of the office, then turned my thoughts to it again a few days ago. I wrote a quick reply, which Luisa kindly translated for me, confident - since Lisa's photo of my book on sale in Venice - that the book was available in Italy, and anyway why couldn't he order it online? It's not prohibitively expensive... (though the fact that the letter was written on a typewriter suggested the correspondent might not be au fait with the interweb...)
But something about the rather poetic way it was written made me wonder who this Bruno Filipponio was, so I Googled him, and quickly discovered that he had been an Olympic torchbearer for the Rome Olympics in 1960! But yet more curious - I came across a posting dated January of this year, on the blog of a Catalan Professor of Philology, Mariàngela Villalonga, who had also received a letter from Bruno Filipponio. And not only that, but the quotes she gave from the letter ("desidero ardentemente", "E' un caro ricordo di famiglia, ma sono pronto a privarmene pur di avere quanto ho chiesto; accetta lo scambio?") showed that it had been worded in the exact same way as my letter!
Like me, Mariàngela had gone online to find out who this chap was - and had found reproduced on the website of a Bolognese company the exact same letter as ours, just with the titles changed, of the book requested and the book offered in exchange; she also managed to find identical letters from our correspondent, received by Italian writers in 1977 and 1963! And that an Italian friend of hers receives a letter from him every time he publishes a new book!
Bruno Filipponio has been scrounging books off their authors for nearly 50 years!!! I wonder if he has ever bought a book in his life?? Indeed I presume that the books he offers in exchange are books previously sent to him by their authors, perhaps decades ago!
Mariàngela suggested that perhaps we should start a Facebook group for authors who have received letters from Bruno Filipponio! It is the first time I have actually been tempted to join Facebook!!
I've just received the very same letter, with the obvious variants.
I am feeling a mixture of scare and amusement: the first site I've found googling Filipponio was the Tedoforo one, then I found your site. And reading it seemed a matrioska story!
I think we should really create a fan group.
Do you know other people receiving the same letter?
Thanks, Giulio
I received the self-same letter this morning requesting a copy of a book I recently translated on Caravaggio. He's certainly quick off the mark - I only received my promo copies a few days ago. He offered me the same book he offered you (maybe he's counting on people turning him down because I can't imagine him having multiple copies of a "family heirloom"). Even allowing for the fact that a fair percentage of his requests will have been ignored/turned down, he must have built up quite a library if he's been doing this for the past 50 years.
How many letters does he send a day? I just got one, that's why I found your site. Now I feel like a writer too, although I am just an antiquedealer who wrote a small book about my passion French art nouveau and art deco glass: Glass made transparent
This man is amusing and amazing. My compliments for him.
greetings, tiny esveld
My father received this letter this week(we're Italian). But he is not an author nor a translator! He is councillor of a Foundation in Cuneo (Piedmont) that has paid the renovation works of a beutiful church and then published a book upon this building. I don't know how this man has found our address...
The stamp on the envelope is not stamped and the letter is a photocopy. The sign, instead, is handwritten.
Quite weird...
I received the same letter (in Italian) in December to have a book I wrote on the Parma Cathedral in 2006. In exchange he offers a different book, though.
I wander if someone ever accepted the exchange! Did he send back his family heirlooms?
Hi, it's funny to hear that this man is so popular. I'm writing from a museum in Madrid and after every exhibition he sends a new letter requesting the exhibition catalogue but as we are not allowed to send them to unknown people I suppose he didn't receive anything for us. Definitily I would join the Filliponio Facebook profile!!
I received the same letter in last january (i wrote a chapter in the book La Cathedrale di Sarzana), I don't know how this man has found my personal address...
and so i created a community on facebook: Quelli che hanno ricevuto una lettera da Bruno Filipponio. Now we are 10 fans ...
I have just received exactly the same letter for my last book, on Ecrire la sculpture, with the same sentences, and the offer of an "exchange" with "Terra, trattato popolare di geografia universale", and "un caro ricordo di famiglia"...
I'm also joining the Facebook profile !
I recieved a letter from this 'gentleman' as well. He requests for a book that is not yet published. Be aware, this person is playing an interesting trick. Although he uses an old fashioned typewriter, he is using the internet to get hold of the book titles and to find the right addresses.
Hi there!
this website is genius. I got exactly the same letter today. Dear old Bruno is building quite a little library for himself...
This is very interesting. I too just received a letter from Bruno Filiponio 'ardently desiring a copy' of a book I recently edited Pompeii: Art,Industry and Infrastructure. And like many of you he offered another book (a family heirloom) in exchange. I'm glad I did a search for Signore Filiponio and found this blog. Since I work in Pompeii I might drop in on him in Filetta and see what this is all about.
I’ve received the same letter from Mr. Filipponio a few moths ago, although I’m not the main writer in the book “Las Aves en el Museo del Prado” edited by SEO/BirdLife. He offered me “La Testa di Cavallo: mito, arte e storia” in exchange.
I’m very surprised reading your blog. And I think that this story could be a pretty subject matter for a film.
I wonder if someone had received a book in exchange from him.
Thank, dear Hispanofila! More Filipponio today in my blog http://mariangelavilallonga.blogspot.com/2011/11/la-biblioteca-bruno-filipponio.html
Best regards!
I've just received another of these charming letters. What an ingenious idea!
I work for the italian publisher Encyclomedia and I just received the very same letter, asking me either L'Antichità - Grecia, or all the four volumes of Il Medioevo edited by Umberto Eco (but, if not possibile, even one volume would ha been ok), and offering in exchange part of the "Storia universale" written by Cesare Cantù at the end of the 19th century, "un caro ricordo di famiglia".
The letter was bizarly and somehow endearingly worded, I googled him and... here I am. What a story! It makes my day somehow: thanks, Bruno Filipponio!
I received this same letter a couple of months ago. Preparing to write a response to this seemingly sincere if somewhat pathetic gentleman from Salerno, I googled his name and came across your entry and blog - what a scam! I am spreading the word among my circle of Italianist scholars!!
I have today received the same, rather elegant letter. It requests 2 books, one that I co-authored on Italian furniture published last November, and another exhibition catalogue on Islamic art which opened in my museum a week ago. So a consistency of Islamic and Italian interests. In exchange, I was offered an Atlante della Sacra Biblia (19c). This is the greatest interactive art project I have ever seen: I am certain some gallery will present a show in the near future of exchanged books, written replies -- and bitchy blog posts!
Same here- he must be terribly efficient or have a helluva staff to get these letters out at such a pace
I just received the Filipponio letter--exactly the same wording. I was meaning to send it to Italian friends to see what they thought of it but found this blog instead. Incredible. He obviously collects art history books--mine is on architecture (just out). And strangely enough untouched postmarks... It is an extraordinary con trick and if it works 10% of the time he must have acquired quite a library. By the way I was offered the "Terra" book which I see had been previously offered. Obviously you did not take him up on it! I find this scam amusing, pathetic and scary all at the same time. Maybe he runs a book store?? I hope someone figures out this mystery...
Just received the same letter. Judging from the comments, it's the second time that the family heirloom 'La testa di cavallo' is on offer (perhaps the Filipponio family owns two copies?). To think that someone would separate themselves from it just to be able to read my work is touching, as is the letter: a photocopy with the author-title carefully inserted in red. A great story (just imagine mr. Filipponio growing more amaro by the day surrounded by his unwanted heirlooms). Thanks for the blog!
Amazing! I just got this letter, as well, asking to trade me his family heirloom copy of La Testa Di Cavallo: mito, arte e storia -- The Horse Head -- in exchange for my book on Monsters and the Monstrous. My question: HAS anyone sent him a book? And did they get one in return?
Asa Mittman
I just got almost the same letter with the request of a copy of a book that was printed as a christmas gift of an Italian Bank, probably 2000 copies, regarding a town in Toscana region Italy, in which I've done the photographs. I really don't know how He managed to know about the book. I also googled him and when I found this blog and all the comments.... strange people in Italy!!
Corrado Piccoli
I moved from touched, to quizzical, to annoyed, and now to truly flabbergasted in reading this blog and comments. Like others, I got the identical letter in exchange for my JUST published book (Imago Mortis: Mediating Images of Death in Late Medieval Culture). Like others, I was offered a book already offered to others, La Testa di Cavallo, which is either plenteous in the Filipponio Household or simply a bad exchange. I'm feeling a bit "used," by this, as I would have hoped he catered his offers of exchange to the case, but I do note that the "Testa" type is in black (obviously photocopied) and my book title is in red (obviously inserted). I truly hope there is some cabal behind this nouveau performance art project.
Hi Everyone,
I have just received the same letter, Bruno Filipponio would like to have my (just published) book and will send to me in exchange a leaflet entitled "Osservazioni e chiose su vernacolo e dialetto".
What does he do with all these books ?
I also received a letter from this person who asked potergli Giving a book in exchange for a family heirloom
Since I am a college professor of Salerno and intrigued by this blog, I contacted the person to see us in person with the promise that I would have given the book by hand in exchange for his family heirloom
We met up close and to tell you the truth I was very impressed.
It is presented as a man distinct and well-mannered, old-school education, politely asked him the reason for this request, he politely invited me to his house for a coffee.
Once we got to his house I could see that many of the books described by them you were a little spoiled but in order, in practice this is his passion and hobby, he collects all details by reading books and studying, it is a passion that has inherited his father (who died when he was little).
He loves to read these books and keeps them with great care in alphabetical order in a cabinet close to a glass of great size.
I asked him to give me his copy (promise) in exchange without saying anything and he opened the library and gave me the book, the equilibrium that he gives in exchange for those charged are nothing but copies given away and even those who do not have attracted his attention while he read them, I tried to understand even if it had more copies but each book is a unique copy.
Well in the end we said goodbye with a promise to meet again for a coffee, his book are also taking me because he gave the impression of being charitable
With this I can say that Bruno Filipponio is undoubtedly a kind, courteous and magnanimous differently from what I had read in this blog and in other blogs.
Publish this thing exactly in all the blogs that I read to make everyone understand that "perhaps" judge without knowing it is sometimes wrong (like I did before you)
I asked him to give me his copy (promise) in exchange without saying anything and he opened the library and gave me the book, the equilibrium that he gives in exchange for those charged are nothing but copies given away and even those who do not have attracted his attention while he read them, I tried to understand even if it had more copies but each book is a unique copy.
Well in the end we said goodbye with a promise to meet again for a coffee, his book are also taking me because he gave the impression of being charitable
With this I can say that Bruno Filipponio is undoubtedly a kind, courteous and magnanimous differently from what I had read in this blog and in other blogs.
Publish this thing exactly in all the blogs that I read to make everyone understand that "perhaps" judge without knowing it is sometimes wrong (like I did before you)
about a month ago I received the same typewritten letter from Mr. Bruno Filipponio asking a copy of my, just published, work about Pompeian painting (La bottega delle immagini parietali. I sec.a.C.-I sec.d.C.). He offered in exchange a book mentioned by others, "Terra", but at the end of the letter he added a handwritten post scriptum , a question about "the presence of any sponsor in the work". This makes me wonder if he collects the books only to read and study them...
What an interesting and intriguing story! I received 2 of his letters today. I work for a charitable foundation who catalogues all the oil paintings in the UK. 10 years of work and 85 books later, we received his request to supply him with 7 titles from our collection. I obviously turned to google to see what to make of it and here I am! What a funny story! I'm up for the FB page though!
I, too, received this letter but am now wondering if it would in fact be pleasant to have coffee with him in Salerno! The facebook page is a great idea, and we could all be fans. The book he offered me in exchange for my Aesthetic Modernism and Masculinity in Fascist Italy is La Testa di cavallo, anche "un caro ricordo di famiglia." Clearly, his family has loved numerous books!
I received "the letter" today, offering me 'TERRA' in exchange for my just-published book of essays on Bernini's late work. I'm in California, so caro Bruno's ambitions are international! The letter also had the handwritten P.S. about sponsors - I wonder what that is about?
Received the same letter in september 2015, offering me "The Terra" in exchange of my book just published in France about the illustrated "Souvenirs" of the painter Vigée Le Brun. On Google Earth, the 2 Via Antica at Salerno doesn't appear like a bookshop but like a plain house in a residential area of the city. I hope somebody of us will visit Bruno in Salerno, have a coffe withe him and tell us the story... Perhaps is he well known for selling art books in Salerno ?
I have three years ago or riceuto have a letter, since I feel that I have many things wrong turn to me and family!
I state that are usually not superstitious, but I'm starting to become suspicious ...
Have you had the same response?
thank you
ps. the required text not sent it ...
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